2024 EERS Conference
Reality, Risk, and Resilience: Reimagining Evaluation
We are happy to announce that the theme for the Eastern Evaluation Research Society’s 2024 Annual Conference (#EERS24) is: Reality, Risk, and Resilience: Reimagining Evaluation. The conference will take place virtually on Thursday, April 18 and Friday, April 19, 2024. A description of the conference theme can be found here. The conference registration fee is $160. A reduced rate of $60 is available for students, and an early bird rate of $125 will be offered up to April 1, 2024.
We would like to invite you to submit a proposal to present at the 2024 EERS Annual Conference; click the button below to submit a presentation proposal. Once you submit the information, you will receive an email confirming the receipt of your submission. The proposal deadline has been extended to January 17, 2024 at 5 pm Eastern time.
If you have any questions or concerns about your submission, please contact
Proposal Requirements
All proposals need to include the following:
A synopsis (a 300 character summary of your presentation that will be used exactly as submitted in the conference program and online session listings);
An abstract (a 2,000 character maximum description of your presentation);
A list of all speakers for your proposed session;
A 300 character description linking your proposal to the conference theme; and
The selection of one presentation format that best suits your proposal and content. Note: if you select the Wild Card format you will be asked to describe your anticipated presentation format.
Presentation Formats
Individual Presentations - these are 20-minute presentations by a single speaker on a topic of your choice. An additional 10 minutes will be reserved for audience questions. (Total session length: 30 minutes.)
Student Presentations - are similar to individual presentations but are reserved for single undergraduate or graduate students. The content should include presentations on evaluation methods and/or findings of projects for which the student has had substantial responsibility and involvement. These are 20 minute presentations with an additional 10 minutes reserved for audience questions. (Total session length: 30 minutes.)
Panel Presentations - these consist of three or more individuals presenting on a single topic or common topics. This may or may not include a moderator or discussants. All panels will be 60 minutes long (including audience questions). Panels cannot have more than 5 individuals (including all presenters, authors, moderators, and discussants).
Skill-Building Sessions - these are 30 or 60-minute sessions that are designed to teach a specific skill or demonstrate a specific approach to audience members. You will be asked to identify the specific skill(s) and methods/approaches you will use in your session. Skill-building sessions can include a maximum of 3 speakers/presenters.
Wild Card Sessions - these are sessions that do not fit into any of the above categories or formats. Wild Card Sessions can be 30 or 60 minutes in length. The only limitation to Wild Card Sessions is that they cannot include more than 12 speakers/presenters/authors.
All proposals submitted to EERS undergo a blinded peer review process; each proposal is reviewed and independently rated by three reviewers. If the same individual submits multiple proposals, it should be expected that only one proposal for which that individual is lead presenter will be selected for presentation at the conference. This is to ensure the maximum opportunity for participation from the evaluation community.
You will be notified in February of the status of your submission.
Proposal Review